About Momentum
What is Momentum?
Momentum is our business ministry within Freedom Church. We exist to Inspire and equip people in Freedom Church to build kingdom businesses. We believe that business is ministry and ministry is business.
We know that God can use our businesses to not only bring riches into the kingdom, but to reach people. With so many of our work week hours being spent building business, we know we can’t ‘waste’ that time ignoring the call of the kingdom.
Through various resources, annual gatherings, and local meet-ups, it is our vision to empower people to either start the business God has called them to or to impact their workplace in a significant way.
How did it get started?
Several years ago, a group of businessmen & women would gather in Hereford in the UK to talk about their businesses and pray for one another. That lasted a number of years before a core group of 5 people would meet consistently on Wednesday mornings at 6:30 am. As you can imagine, not many people could make that time; although, we knew we had many more business leaders in our church.
The significant thing about this meeting group was the prayer for one another and the accountability. We met with our directional leadership team and received the ‘go-ahead’ for a half-day business seminar.
To our surprise, we had 60 people show up and the feedback was incredible. This was back in September of 2018. Over the course of the coming years, we would end up calling these business gatherings “momentum” and start groups in several locations.The two things that we will always aim for that we learned when it first started is the power of prayer & the importance of accountability.
Inspiring and equipping people in Freedom Church to build kingdom businesses
Our mission is to help businesses build strong foundations, deliver with excellence, and grow through innovation.
First and Best
We will serve God and our church with all that we have, giving sacrificially to the one who gave us everything. We won’t just go through the motions or do the minimum. The best of our talents, time and resources will be used for the Kingdom.
Relentless Reaching
We persistently share the hope and salvation of Jesus with our family, friends and communities. We won’t stand by and be silent about the truth and love God has for this world.
Heart and Soul
We take personal responsibility for the vision and unity of our church. We are committed to making God’s Kingdom the central cause of our lives, no matter the cost.
Punching Above Our Weight
With audacious faith, we set impossible goals, take bold, confident steps and watch our God move. We are giant-killers who refuse to limit the Holy Spirit.